Basic Rules for Better Living

25 07 2022

We all know what we need to do to be healthy, but sometimes we just need a little reminder:

  • www.hiv123.wordpress.comPractise safe sex
  • Enjoy a healthy diet
  • Take supplements if you need something extra
  • manage stress
  • Have a positive attitude
  • Exercise regularly
  • Reduce your alcohol intake
  • Stop smoking
  • Maintain oral hygiene
  • Get enough sleep at the right time of the day

And you will feel so much better….and will be able to deal with so much more of what life throws at you.

An Increase of HIV incidence

23 06 2014

The doctor was at her usual post at the HIV clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa. She came into the waiting room and saw a number of young innocent looking girls in the age group of 15 to 18 year ages who had all tested positive for HIV. She needed to know what the cause was for this sudden increase in the incidence of this age group.

The answers were varied.

Some believed that the threat of death was no longer an issue.                        gingerbread-fadeAnti retroviral therapy could save lives and they could live a ‘normal life’. In fact they believed that HIV was no worse than a common cold or maybe diabetes.

Some told the doctor that they had been raped & that was how they had contracted the virus.

Then the ugly head of poverty was once again brought to the fore. A positive HIV test brought the government grant and to young girl who has nothing any money is better than no money. There were a few girls who had relationships with older men for financial gain or worldly goods. In most cases the girls had no ‘power’ to insist on condom use.

The story that made the most impression on the doctor & brought her close to tears was the young girl who related how she was infected. Her father had paid a HIV positive man to impregnate her and to pass on the virus. He wanted her HIV positive so that he could have her government grant.

A recent report in the Mail & Guardian stated that the teen and early twenty incidence was not stabilized but showed an increase.


We need to go back to the schools and provide intense  education.

We need to rethink the government grants & other possibilities.

We need to provide counselling to sexually active couples.

We need to lessen the desperation of the poverty stricken people in our communities so that they can be employable & provide for their families legally.

We need to be more creative & remember that these young people are the future of leaders of the next generation

Where there is a will, there is a way!


The Energy of Children

24 03 2013

The little people whose lives have been affected with an adult condition never cease to amaze us by the energy with which they tackle the many challenges that are put on their ‘path of life’.

In Africa a growing trend is the child-headed households.

Adolescents, and some as young as twelve, take over the care of their siblings when they have lost their parents to Aids related conditions.

In most cases these children do not want to go to orphanages or foster care because they do not want to be separated as families. These children have sacrificed their childhood to rear their siblings and we can just admire the energy with which they take over this heavy adult task.

The community, teachers, religious leaders and clinics must inform the authorities when these child-headed families are discovered. They need to be visited regularly by social workers, counsellors and nurses to assess their physical and psychosocial needs.

Every effort must be made to prevent the adolescents from dropping out of school. Without education the children face a dismal future and are open to abuse by unscrupulous adults.

There are many charities and churches that put a great deal of support and resources into these child-headed households, but much more help is needed. Unfortunately many still slip through the cracks and go undetected.

SOS Children’s Villages is just one of the many charities, religious groups and NGOs that is heavily involved in this project.

If we are unable to provide material aid we can at least remember these children in our prayers. They need our physical, emotional and spiritual support to provide them with a brighter future.

They need our energy!

©Teresa Denton

An Overview of HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa

1 03 2013

UNAIDS has expressed the belief that the incidence rate (new infections) peaked in the late 1990s and has stabilised in many countries in the world. This phenomenon can be attributed to prevention programmes and changes in behaviour.

The proportion of people of people living with HIV has also levelled off. However the numbers of people living with HIV have continues to rise, due to population growth and the life-prolonging effects of antiretroviral therapy.

Sub-Saharan Africa remains the worst affected region in the world.earth_planet

Declines in the national HIV prevalence in some sub-Saharan African countries are not strong enough or widespread enough to diminish the epidemic’s overall impact on this region.

Women in sub-Saharan Africa bear a disproportionate part of the AIDS burden. Not only are they more likely than men to be infected with HIV, but also in most countries they are also more likely to be the ones caring for people living with HIV.

In South Africa the very high incidence of rape is fuelling the transmission of the virus. We need stronger action and reaction from our law inforcement and the citizens to curb this crime.

Many men are moving to the cities in search of work and leaving their wives and children behind in rural areas. This leads to the use of prostitutes or involvement of girl friends in the cities. Until this situation is changed or the pattern of behaviour is changed, battle with HIV/AIDS will continue.

South Africa also has the added scourge that drug addicts are using antiretroviral drugs to add to their drug cocktails for heightened effect. They obtain the antiretroviral drugs mainly by stealing them from HIV patients. The resultant effect of this crime leads to the inadequate administration of the medication and possible drug resistance.4retroviral

Until the law enforcement agencies get to grips with this crime the situation can only deteriorate.

Recent statistics in South Africa show a decline in numbers, but the overall incidence of HIV is still unacceptably high.

Even if you reside in an area which has stabilized you can never let your guard down.

HIV is still with us. We have not found a cure so the HI virus lives on.

©Teresa Denton

The 31st Year

2 02 2013

It first appeared and we’ve reached the 31st year

Across the world scientists are still busy

Researching preventions or possible cures

It’s not my problem, it won’t happen here.


It spread across the world since that fateful year,

The virus respects no race, class, age or sex.

The world is alerted and prevention is preached.

Maybe I do have something to fear.


HIV is still infecting even in the 31st year

Young, old, rich and poor are daily affected

Orphans created on a regular bases.

“What can I do?” I say, and shed a tear.     TN_CROWD


What have I done since that fateful year?

Have I ever held out a helping hand?

On the day of reckoning can I hold my head high?

When you call for help, will I hear?

©Teresa Denton

Preventing HIV

19 01 2013

Everyone is at risk of getting HIV. Preventing exposure for oneself and others is the only way to ensure a safe future.


To avoid sex is the safest way to prevent infection. To delay sexual relationships during the teen years will also minimise the dangers of multiple, casual sexual encounters.

Faithful Relationship

In a loving relationship both partners must be tested. istock_fingerprick

If both are negative and have not been involved in any risky behaviour for at least three months prior to the test, one can be considered safe. If there is any doubt it will be advisable to use condoms until two consecutive tests are negative.

Casual Sexual Encounters

Chances of exposure to HIV is greater if one is exposed to multiple partners. Condoms must always be used for casual  sex.              Since you cannot see that someone is positive it is always wise to protect yourself in all sexual encounters.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

As soon as one becomes aware of an infection, seek medical advice immediately and get it treated. Both partners must be treated. Any lesion makes the transmission of HIV much easier.

Know Your HIV Status

Make a point of getting yourself tested and also encouraging any sexual partner to get tested. A pregnant lady needs to know her status so that the necessary precautions can be taken to protect her unborn baby if she is positive.

Never Share Needles

A person who chooses to inject drugs can prevent HIV by using clean needles and syringes each time a drug is injected.

Never Share Toothbrushes or Razor Blades.

A chance of exposure is possible through any broken skin or sores.

Handling of Blood or Bodily Fluids

Health professionals care givers and emergency personal etc. must take every precaution to protect themselves if they are at risk of being exposed. Retest yourselves if you are in any doubt. In some risky exposusure situations it may be advisable to double glove. Needle stick exposure needs immediate treatment.

Fights or Violent Encounters.

If you are involved in any fight where skin has been broken and you have been exposed to the blood or bodily fluids of an unknown assailant/ or an assailant whose status is not known to you, get medical assistance as soon as possible. I include rape in this group. Tests and prophylactic antiretroviral medication are usually given at trauma centres.

HIV is not curable but it is preventable!

©Teresa Denton

The 2013 Resolution

11 01 2013

Too often we look around, and wonder what others are doing to solve problems.

Let 2013 be the year in which I look at myself and evaluate what I have done

about the HIV/AIDS challenge.

  • Have I shared my knowledge with anyone?
  • Have I tested my HIV status?
  • Have I encouraged anyone to have him or herself tested?
  • Have I used my contacts to spread the positive message to minimize the stigma?
  • Have I lent a helping hand to a person living with the HI virus?
  • What have I done up to now and how can I contribute in 2013?

Let us all make a difference in 2013!

©Teresa Denton

A Love to Know

1 12 2012

I fell in love with you,

We were a fantastic couple.

I’ll spend my life with you,

You were the best I had known.

An HIV positive status was shown

‘Give it to me; I’ll die with you’

‘Till death us do part’ we said,

Let that commitment be known.

Soon afterwards you left me,

To infect another victim was sure.

I felt betrayed and deserted,

Alone, if only I had known.

Love, acceptance and care

Greeted me at the health clinic.

Medication manages my illness,

Precious life; you should’ve known.

©Teresa Denton

The Silent Epidemic & HIV

19 11 2012

Sexually transmitted infections have been referred to as the Silent Epidemic.

Alta van Dyk tells us in HIV/AIDS Care & Counselling that sexually transmitted infections are a major problem in southern Africa. It is estimated that annually more than a million people seek treatment at municipal clinics and private practices. It is also believed that many more seek help from traditional healers.

It is small wonder that HIV has formed a deadly alliance with STIs!

People who have sexually transmitted infections are particularly vulnerable to HIV for the following reasons:

  1. A  response of the body to any inflammation is to concentrate lymphocytes into the area to fight the infection. CD4 cells are part of this migration and the HIV attaches itself to the CD4 cells to enter the blood stream and multiply
  2. Patients with genital ulcers are particularly susceptible to HIV cross infection as the ulcers create openings in the mucous membrane through which the HI virus easily moves
  3. Genital  discharges and secretions are high in HIV concentration making the HIV-positive person extremely infectious.
  4. HIV infections delay the healing and the cure of the STIs therefore making them more severe and difficult to treat.

Health care professionals are alerted to early diagnosis and treatment of STIs and to refer them for HIV testing after pre-test counselling

Researchers in Africa believe that the control of sexually transmitted infections may go a long way in combating HIV.

Education to encourage condom usage, avoidance of multiple intimate partners and timely treatment of sexually transmtted infections can be your and my contribution to this goal.

©Teresa Denton

Slow HIV Progression with Food

7 11 2012

Maintaining a healthy, nutritious diet is important for all people, but particularly for people living with HIV.

A poor diet impairs the functioning of the immune system, and hastens the progress of HIV infection to AIDS.

Nutrition is not a substitute for treatment – eventually all HIV infected persons will need antiretroviral medicines to support their immune system.

The HIV positive person will need to eat well to maintain his/her weight. In all the HIV care centres, expert advice is available to guide patients about the best way to get adequate nutrition.

Opportunistic infections such as thrush of the throat will limit food intake and the nutritionist will help to manage the challenge. Many persons living with HIV suffer from digestive problems such as severe diarrhoea & nausea. The health professional can provide advice on containing these conditions and advise on the foods which will cause the least irritation.

Vitamins, such as multivitamins, vitamin B complex, vitamin B12, zinc and selenium can potentially support the immune system. It is advisable to consult with the health professional to find out about the recommended dosage. Too little can be ineffective and too much could be dangerous.

Immune boosters may or may not strengthen the immune system. Many overpriced products are marketed and the effectiveness has not been scientifically verified. Consumers must be aware and get expert advice.

A nutritionist will supply information about:

  • Healthy eating and lifestyle
  • Food preparation
  • Nutritional supplements

For people who cannot afford their nutritional needs, food parcels are supplied at Government HIV service points. Welfare societies, churches and NGOs also distribute food parcels.

Eating healthy, nutritious food and a well balanced diet can benefit not only those living with HIV, but all of us.

©Teresa Denton